Electronic Gift Certificates are now available with The Little Witch - for tarot readings, psychic readings, reiki treatments, and reflexology.
Tarot readings can be done anywhere via in person, one on one video chat, at the convenience of the person you are buying the Gift Card for! They can choose from times shown on the booking schedule, or email directly to Lori-Grace to arrange a suitable time. Times available are in Eastern Time, and can be from 9am to 9pm. Electronic Gift Certificates can also be used for in person visits in The Little Witch office in Midland, Ontario. Payments for egift cards are taken by the Square payment processing system, with a place for you to choose the amount, and leave a personalized note for the gift recipient. You choose a gift certificate picture to go along with your gift. A code is then emailed to the person you want to make the gift for, for them to use when they are ready to get their reading. Gift Certificates can also be purchased for classes, coaching and mentoring. Comments are closed.
Lori Grace is a professional Psychic Tarot Reader who serves her clients with 29+ years of experience, based on Georgian Bay in Midland Ontario. The Little Witch Newsletter goes out once a month - One Subscriber will win a FREE One Question Email each newsletter!
November 2024
Georgian Bay Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
522 Elizabeth Street BOX 9
Midland Ontario L4R2A1 Website by Petroff Sites