If I'm NOT online, but you are ready NOW, as a new user you can take advantage of this 10 minute offer, with a reader who is available right now:
It's not often these days that I use Keen for phone readings. When I'm available, you'll see the button above say so. If I'm on a reading, it will put you next in line to speak to me.
I do quite a few Instant Messaging readings, because sometimes the neighbourhood is noisy! When I was co-renting Three Crows Speak Art gallery space, I would have the IM on anytime there wasn't someone in the Orillia Gallery. But the phone readings have fallen to the wayside. This is mostly because I've discovered that I really like the face to face interaction of Zoom readings! However, I know not everyone has internet or wifi where they are, and so I still have my phone account set up. It feels like an old school throw back to my Miss Cleo days. With the phone tarot readings, you can't see that I'm shuffling, or when I'm closing my eyes, or making the little hand signal that I do by habit, to indicate that I'm getting spirit guide messages for you. But trust me, it's happening. When I'm reading for you on the phone, I'm sitting in my quiet office completely focused on your voice in my one ear, and what spirit whispers in the other. Sometimes I'm sitting at the laptop desk that I have set up to do my psychic and tarot business, and other times I'm sitting on the daybed, with the cards all spread out in front of me, and my cell phone in my lap. If you are ready and prefer a phone reading, rather than a Zoom reading, the preparation for your call is still the same. I've created a "How to Word Your Question Well" note, so that you will be best prepared and make the most of your time with me. When it comes to phone readings, it's important to understand that the rate noted on that page is in US dollars. You are in control of what you spend, but I usually recommend that you allow 10 to 15 minutes per question, to really feel out and understand what Spirit is trying to say to you about your topic. Keen keeps all your information private - I won't see your phone number, or any of your personal details. If you don't want to set a name to your account, it will keep what I see as a "Client number", and so that allows you to remain anonymous also. When I first started doing psychic tarot for clients on the phone, it was through the Miss Cleo lines. Remember those? It was 1999, and I was brand new at reading for others. It was busy! Several years after that, I worked as a contractor for California Psychics. I treated it like a job, logging in for 3 hours a day, keeping track of my calls so I knew what my average call was - because at that time , the readers had to maintain an average of 20 minute phone calls. It was a challenge though, as they would have free minute promos, and people would routinely call, use those 3 minutes, and not pay for more ... so it would bring down the average call time, and bump the reader to the bottom of the call list. Feeling like I HAD to keep clients on longer felt NOT right to me. If I had delivered the answer to their question in 10 minutes, that should have been the end of the call. I discovered Keen in 2002. A Middle man type site, where I could create my own listings, work when I wanted to, without having to maintain a weekly hour commitment, or an average phone call time. This felt much better. And still gave me all the benefits that I was looking for with a phone line. And it continues to feel better using it. Those early days on the phone lines where I worked as a contractor were so stressful. In my professional tarot practice now, I absolutely cannot read for clients if I'm stressed - how am I supposed to deliver news of calm and clarity to clients, if I'm stressed out about keeping them on the phone? I basically log in to be available for phone readings when I have no other appointments, meetings or classes... and when I feel compelled to log in randomly (which honestly usually happens when the Universe "pings" me, that I am required to assist someone THERE.) When I am doing IM Readings, I'm sitting at my desk, with the cards out on the table, just like when I do the Friday Funday readings. I type between 65 and 90ish words a minute, so the pauses will happen in IM readings when I"m shuffling, or forming how to word the messages for you. Reading Tarot long distance is very similar to the idea of remote viewing, or distance reiki. We are all connected, and when we ask Spirit or Source to connect us, it does so instantaneously. I've been doing these remote readings a LONG time, and I find it easy to connect this way. Springwater Tarot Horoscope for Nov 29th to Dec 13th. Aries (March 21-April 19) – Justice – It's important for Aries to take a good hard look at all the evidence before deciding what is right - And that every story has two sides. Think before you speak on these sort of matters. Everyone gets what they deserve, one way or another. Taurus (April 20-May 20) – The Sun – Honesty is the best policy. Figure out how to speak your truth and practice those words before presenting them. Does it feel like truth on your tongue? Do this, and the truth, in turn, is revealed to you. Gemini (May 21-June 20) – Prince of Pentacles – Embrace the offer of commitment, stability, foundation. And know that, yes, even when you don't know all the answers or exactly where the steps are leading, that you are on the right path. Don't allow doubts to set you astray. Cancer (June 21-July 22) – 2 of Wands - Pay attention to "Right time, Right place" synchronicity moments that happen during this time. Even if what comes of these situations doesn't feel like it was on your list, be aware that the Universe is trying to create balance and open some doors for you. Leo (July 23-August 22) – Seven of Swords – Gather the FACTS, and make your lists or build your case. And, no, made up scenarios in your head do NOT count as weigh-able, measurable facts. This is a time for thinking about the challenges at hand and ahead and carefully planning how you'll present them, if need be. Virgo (August 23-September 22) – The Magician – Have some feelings of uncertainty surfaced? The Magician reminds you that you have all of the tools, you've studied, and you have every right to take these skills out into the 'real' world and use them. Be confident in your skills and all that you've learned, and get started. Libra (September 23-October 22) – Strength – Take a deep breath, and feel your inner strength. Let it be firm without being aggressive. Let it be backed by the knowledge of who you really are and all you've accomplished. Don't worry about proving it to anyone. Simply wear it easily and with confidence. This gets you through the next few weeks. Scorpio (October 23-November 21) – The Tower – If it feels like it's all falling apart, spend some time meditating on the ways this time can be used to positively set you on a path that feels even better for you. It may look like chaos now, but creation can only come after the movement of chaos. You'll land, like you always do, better than before Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) – The High Priest – Quiet reflection on how you can or do create balance in your life, between earthly pursuits and spiritual beliefs will help you to be a fair and just decision maker during this time. Remember to consider both your heart space and your head, and hold your ground gently but firmly. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) – 5 of Cups – It's okay to spend some time feeling remorse or mourning what you think you've lost or left behind. When you wipe your eyes and clear your head, you'll see that there's time and space for new pursuits or ways to fill that emotional space that has meaning for you. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) – 6 of Pentacles – If you see an opportunity to be generous (in word, in spirit, with time or with abundance.) know that these acts are good for everyone, if they are given with the intention and energy of joy, and accepted with appreciation. Mind your energy boundaries and only give from a place of feeling good. Pisces ( February 19 to March 20) – Ace of Wands – Energetic new beginnings are on offer, even though the year is wrapping itself up. Find a comfort zone in the speed and direction in which this time is leading you. If you stay in the flow, even when the water gets hot, you'll be on your way to letting go and getting on with it. For inquiries for Rights to print this horoscope in your Newsletter, Newspaper or on your blog, please message for details Your Springwater Tarot Horoscope for NOV 1ST to NOV 15st. Aries (March 21-April 19) – 3 of Swords – Get ready to make a solid decision that finally puts you on a focused path. These two weeks will be about weighing all the things you know to be TRUTH and making a commitment, one way or another. Taurus (April 20-May 20) – 8 of Cups – You've had so much to weigh, seemingly all at once. These two weeks reveal how to put some emotions in place, and feeling good about physically getting on with the next steps of your journey. Gemini (May 21-June 20) – 5 of Swords – Make a decision from a place of wisdom - even if some around you don't understand where you are coming from. Remember your truths and what you know is right, to maintain balance in your life. Cancer (June 21-July 22) – 9 of Pentacles – Make a list of all the ways in which you are safe, what makes you feel stable, comfortable and abundant. Enjoying exactly who you are, where you are, helps to keep you settled. Leo (July 23-August 22) – Queen of Pentacles – You will be put into the role of caretaker, and the situation will need you to be stable and consistent, as well as kind and thoughtful. Selfless service has only quiet and personal rewards. Remember to function from a place of Love, and do not expect or demand fanfare for your efforts. Virgo (August 23-September 22) – The High Priest – A firm understanding of how Spirit and Science (Heaven and Earth) work together, makes you a solid go-to person for those who need guidance. Remember to meet them where they are in their path, and counsel with caring. Libra (September 23-October 22) – Prince of Pentacles – You feel optimistic about something you want to pursue, but others may not understand your vision. Quietly stay firm in your convictions. See this to the end. There are knowings and skills for you to learn from this. Scorpio (October 23-November 21) – 9 of Wands – Your passion wants you to run at full speed, but your body may need a break. Take time to heal your physical self. All the adventure isn't going anywhere without you. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) – 8 of Pentacles – You've got a skill that you are so well versed with, that it comes easy - and sometimes may feel boring. Find the joy in it again, and be consistent. It is completely worth the effort. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) – The Sun – Let them know your truths. There is no reason to hide yourself. Those who are truly honest with themselves will also embrace your honesty. There is power and freedom in saying exactly what you mean, and being exactly who you are. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) – Ace of Cups – It may feel like you are feeling emotionally like you are at the beginning of a cycle again. Find the lesson and love in 'starting over'. Get into the flow, and you'll see the benefits of 'Brand New.' Pisces ( February 19 to March 20) – 4 of Swords – Your stubbornness or attitude won't save you from the facts. All the rational data has been presented. Whether you face it or not, the truth is in the numbers. Best to have a good look and figure out how you'll move forward. For inquiries for Rights to print this horoscope in your Newsletter, Newspaper or on your blog, please message for details: Aries (March 21-April 19) – 7 of Cups – An exploration of your inner world and daydreams should have focus right now. Yes, great ideas can come from meditation, and you may be enjoying the energy of the season, but be sure to remember your earthly goals. Taurus (April 20-May 20) – Karma – 3 of Swords - It's almost time to take all of the information you've been gathering about both sides of the story, to make a hard and fast decision from a place of wisdom. Remember that there is always discomfort in transformation. Gemini (May 21-June 20) – King of Pentacles – Sit firmly in your decisions and your truths. During these two weeks stay FIRM in your beliefs. Embrace being grounded, responsible in your actions, and consistent in your word. Cancer (June 21-July 22) – 6 of Wands – It's time to celebrate your successes! All the efforts you made over the summer and into the fall should be getting you praise and victory right now. Now is a good time to take a leadership position. Leo (July 23-August 22) – Prince of Swords – A reminder that your quick wit and skillful use of words needs to be backed by solid intellectual proof. While you engage in discussion, remember that everyone can't know everything all the time - and that includes you. Do the research. Virgo (August 23-September 22) – Prince of Pentacles – It would benefit you to quietly find the way in which you are romanced by your everyday life. If you can't find it, it's up to you to BE it, in your own skin. Only then, will you know the right path for you. Libra (September 23-October 22) – The Sun – Honesty is the best policy, and brings you freedom and a renewed sense of energy. If having to present your honesty outside your own heart, be sure to choose your words from a place of love and clarity. Scorpio (October 23-November 21) – 3 of Pentacles – It's your time to shine, and also your time to focus all your Scorpio energy on creating something you love and can lose yourself in. Spend some time on something you are really good at, and on sharpening your skills. Take pride in your work and accept compliments on what you've achieved. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) – Princess of Cups – As much as you feel time creeping up on you, now is a time to remind yourself of how far you've come, what you love in your life, and what makes you feel alive. Emotions are not a weakness - make them your strength right now. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) – King of Swords – Based on the facts recently presented, this is a time for you to make a decision based on intellect. Stay honest and objective, and work for the greatest good during this time. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) – 10 of Cups – Take emotional satisfaction in the simple things. Work together with those who you consider your closest family. Love is our true natural state, and it's safe to make promises from that place. Pisces ( February 19 to March 20) – Queen of Pentacles – Concentrating now on what makes you feel stable and consistent will benefit you. Be generous and patient with yourself, but be practical. Caring for yourself and others around you, your home and hearth, helps you to feel settled and good with the world. Get to know me! Meet The Little Witch. I'm so pleased to announce that I'm writing a column in the Springwater News paper! Introducing my Tarot Horoscope. A Card for each sign will describe the cards advice for the two week period. Springwater News covers the Springwater area, but is based in Elmvale. Elmvale is a central hub between Midland, Wasaga Beach and Barrie, it's a perfect place to get the Tarot Horoscope re-started. (I did this for a local magazine while it ran.) What I'm hoping to do next is find a small office space or a room I can borrow twice a month to do readings in Elmvale. It will make it easier for the clients that come and see me from Collingwood, Barrie, Elmvale and Wasaga Beach. So if you know of a space in Elmvale, I'd be ever so grateful! How does a Tarot Horoscope differ from a traditional Astrology Horoscope? Traditional Astrology HOROSCOPES use the positions of the planets and stars, and where they fall in each sign, to determine the fortune.
With a tarot horoscope, I'm still using the astrology signs as the starting point, but each sign has a specific card pulled for it. Then, based on the attributes of the signs and the story of the tarot card pulled for it, I create a short reading similar to when I'm reading cards. I have been reading cards in Midland Ontario for over 20 years. You can't read in a small town like this, for this long, and NOT be good at it! I have a steady client practice mostly based on word of mouth, and am called on to do house parties, as well as house cleansings, and Medium readings in the area. I have a small office located in downtown Midland for my clients. Part of my gift is that I get spirit messages. I use their help while writing the column in the paper, and when doing tarot readings in my office. If you'd like to learn more about me, you can visit The Little Witch youtube channel, or even join us on Facebook, "Lori Grace Reads Tarot" If you are interested in a reading, contact us through the forms on this site. |
Lori Grace is a professional Psychic Tarot Reader who serves her clients with 29+ years of experience, based on Georgian Bay in Midland Ontario. The Little Witch Newsletter goes out once a month - One Subscriber will win a FREE One Question Email each newsletter!
June 2024
Georgian Bay Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
522 Elizabeth Street BOX 9
Midland Ontario L4R2A1 Website by Petroff Sites