"When you focus on the good,the good gets better." -Abraham Hicks
I know it seems so simple and idea, that it almost makes it incomprehensible. BUT, hear me out. If you choose to focus on some SMALL good things: How much you appreciate coffee in the morning. (For me, it's feeling SO abundant in being able to put real honey in my tea. I savour it!) Enjoying the feel of a hot shower or bath. Smiling because the sun is shining. Taking pleasure in a good stretch from your finger tips to your toes... Those small things help you SEE and recognize and attract MORE good things. And those things turn into BIGGER things... Until one day, you've struck YOUR version of "winning the lotto" When I use that phrase, it's to think what a best case scenario is for you, and feeling joy and excitement for it. (NOT longing or pining.) My version of winning the lotto looks like: A day off with complete freedom to do what I want. to spend a day reading a book, So much food in the freezer, laughter in my house and my life! My body and mind feeling relaxed and happy. The lotto doesn't necessarily have to be the winning numbers and a big infusion of money... But if it IS money, it can look like: Saving big on a necessary purchase, Scoring an excellent contract for work, A tip or bonus you weren't expecting, Someone gifting you something you appreciate or need! I swear, I always feel like I won the lotto when I buy a deal from Flash Foods or get something on a great sale... It feels like I was in the right place at the right time, and I totally have a "Start the car!" jokey joke in my head. So, Let this be your SIGN today. Look purposefully for the LITTLE things you have to be appreciative of, and give them some LOVE. Really FEEL so good about the little things. Write them down in a journal at the end of the day, and WATCH how the Universe delivers more and more and more! #lawofattraction #findinghappiness #thelittlewitch #abrahamhicksquotes #flashfood Summer is always busy with parties and events for this Psychic Medium, and most of my readings and classes are done in person until September!
Summer was all about travelling around for readings and psychic medium events. From Owen Sound to Parry Sound, the cars got some kilometers on them this summer! So man bachelorette parties, so little time! lol. So, here we are, and today while setting up my newest Mentorship Program, I thought to myself "Oh yeah, my Witchy Blog!" So, what's new? I've re-launched my Learn to Read Intuitive Tarot program this spring, through my School of Witchery. and folks are really enjoying that they have the opportunity to learn at their own pace or have one on one Zoom or in person classes with me for 6 weeks. It's been a real pleasure to watch those students grow! Some of The Original group that learned with me in the summer of 2021 are now ready for growing their businesses, with their confident readings. I'm also right now in the MIDDLE of Launching the Tarot Marketing Mastery Program that guides Tarot Readers, Psychic Mediums and Energy Workers to build their business into a more than full time pay in part time hours business. (I know, I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but the folks who are connecting with me in the program are happy to learn how my SLOW months are $3000, and the regular months are more in the $5000 to $6000 range, working about 10 hours a week... And doing this from a place where folks find them without begging or burning out.) Although September seems to want to be dedicated to the Coaching and Mentorship programs (everyone wants to learn how to talk to spirits and spirit guides before Halloween comes!) I do have a few dates in September at the Wand n Cauldron in Midland Ontario. Although I prefer appointment bookings, on occasion I will have drop in times. You can keep an eye on my Facebook page for updates. I'm also booked in September for a "Dinner and a Medium" night at Port Cafe in Port McNicoll, Ontario, where I'll be doing Medium readings for some of the folks who come to dinner, and teaching a little mini class so that everyone gets a reading. My schedule is already filling up for October and November with Spooky Halloween events. I'll be visiting Cambrian College in Sudbury in both months for in person readings for the Students (so exciting!). I'm also booked to be at Events Horizon Hobbies on King Street in Midland for their Hallowe'en night celebrations, and the next day for Samhain. I'll be doing quick 1 card and 3 card draws there for the crowd! Melissa of Wand n Cauldron and I are also cooking up a very special evening in October for Table Tipping and Tarot, in the Witches Haunted House! This is going to be a very small but very exciting eve. Wand n Cauldron dates for Spirit Guided Tarot Readings are: Friday September 16 and Saturday September 17, 2022 and I'm there again on Friday September 30th and Saturday October 1st, 2022 Wand n Cauldron is located at 397 Manly Street in Midland, and only open during certain hours. If you are looking for a reading there, email me directly. So, Life is Good! There are still dates available for you to get your personal spooky season reading, a few weekend times for parties left. And if all else fails, there's always the occasional early morning or evening for Zoom calls. (you know, so I can be in jammy pants. It's important to be comfy for Spirit Guided Tarot and Psychic Medium readings. ) Lori-Grace Where oh Where has The Little Witch been?
Well, I had my turn with THAT VIRUS that everyone is bored of hearing about. Although today, at this time, I'm still coughing and wheezing and doing a lot of annoying throat clearing, apparently I'm not contagious anymore... so... While I was 'down with the sickness', the appointments kept rolling in and I had to do a lot of "Can we do this later?" email chats. Now, I'm playing catch up. Last week I had a bunch of corporate and college events that had to be completed, using Zoom, and this week I'm rebooking the folks who booked during the week that I was sick. We're closing in on being able to meet without so many restrictions, but as I am hosted mainly at Wand n Cauldron in Midland for readings, we'll be going by the shop rules. I'm still only doing medium readings over Zoom at this time. the Wand n Cauldron always has I am also starting to book summer parties already! We are planning to do the readings out of doors at this point, but sitting outside in summer sounds JUST FINE to me, while the snow is floating around out there. If you are going to be visiting the Midland area and want to have me come and read Spirit Guided Tarot at your party, event or cottage, NOW is the time to secure your weekend! (I know it sounds early, but summer weekends always book up so quickly.) So, although I've been hiding out a bit because I was ill, I'm back to work just in time for spring break, march break, and better weather!
If I'm NOT online, but you are ready NOW, as a new user you can take advantage of this 10 minute offer, with a reader who is available right now:
It's not often these days that I use Keen for phone readings. When I'm available, you'll see the button above say so. If I'm on a reading, it will put you next in line to speak to me.
I do quite a few Instant Messaging readings, because sometimes the neighbourhood is noisy! When I was co-renting Three Crows Speak Art gallery space, I would have the IM on anytime there wasn't someone in the Orillia Gallery. But the phone readings have fallen to the wayside. This is mostly because I've discovered that I really like the face to face interaction of Zoom readings! However, I know not everyone has internet or wifi where they are, and so I still have my phone account set up. It feels like an old school throw back to my Miss Cleo days. With the phone tarot readings, you can't see that I'm shuffling, or when I'm closing my eyes, or making the little hand signal that I do by habit, to indicate that I'm getting spirit guide messages for you. But trust me, it's happening. When I'm reading for you on the phone, I'm sitting in my quiet office completely focused on your voice in my one ear, and what spirit whispers in the other. Sometimes I'm sitting at the laptop desk that I have set up to do my psychic and tarot business, and other times I'm sitting on the daybed, with the cards all spread out in front of me, and my cell phone in my lap. If you are ready and prefer a phone reading, rather than a Zoom reading, the preparation for your call is still the same. I've created a "How to Word Your Question Well" note, so that you will be best prepared and make the most of your time with me. When it comes to phone readings, it's important to understand that the rate noted on that page is in US dollars. You are in control of what you spend, but I usually recommend that you allow 10 to 15 minutes per question, to really feel out and understand what Spirit is trying to say to you about your topic. Keen keeps all your information private - I won't see your phone number, or any of your personal details. If you don't want to set a name to your account, it will keep what I see as a "Client number", and so that allows you to remain anonymous also. When I first started doing psychic tarot for clients on the phone, it was through the Miss Cleo lines. Remember those? It was 1999, and I was brand new at reading for others. It was busy! Several years after that, I worked as a contractor for California Psychics. I treated it like a job, logging in for 3 hours a day, keeping track of my calls so I knew what my average call was - because at that time , the readers had to maintain an average of 20 minute phone calls. It was a challenge though, as they would have free minute promos, and people would routinely call, use those 3 minutes, and not pay for more ... so it would bring down the average call time, and bump the reader to the bottom of the call list. Feeling like I HAD to keep clients on longer felt NOT right to me. If I had delivered the answer to their question in 10 minutes, that should have been the end of the call. I discovered Keen in 2002. A Middle man type site, where I could create my own listings, work when I wanted to, without having to maintain a weekly hour commitment, or an average phone call time. This felt much better. And still gave me all the benefits that I was looking for with a phone line. And it continues to feel better using it. Those early days on the phone lines where I worked as a contractor were so stressful. In my professional tarot practice now, I absolutely cannot read for clients if I'm stressed - how am I supposed to deliver news of calm and clarity to clients, if I'm stressed out about keeping them on the phone? I basically log in to be available for phone readings when I have no other appointments, meetings or classes... and when I feel compelled to log in randomly (which honestly usually happens when the Universe "pings" me, that I am required to assist someone THERE.) When I am doing IM Readings, I'm sitting at my desk, with the cards out on the table, just like when I do the Friday Funday readings. I type between 65 and 90ish words a minute, so the pauses will happen in IM readings when I"m shuffling, or forming how to word the messages for you. Reading Tarot long distance is very similar to the idea of remote viewing, or distance reiki. We are all connected, and when we ask Spirit or Source to connect us, it does so instantaneously. I've been doing these remote readings a LONG time, and I find it easy to connect this way.
Before you try to manifest your desires, it's important to be in the right frame of mind! Trying to manifest from a place of feeling emotionally low or drained is not going to help your well crafted manifestation list come to fruition. You have to be in the right head space, first. How do we do that?
Here are The Little Witch's Top Three Tricks, to get into the right vibration, so that you can successfully manifest what you've been after. The beautiful thing is that they are simple exercises that don't have to take too much time at all. 1. Dance. I will find some poppy dance music to move around the kitchen to. I want to raise my heart rate, and feel my cells and organs alive! 2. Sing! Although it sounds a little bit the same as dancing, it carries vibration - right out of your face! Hitting certain notes and feeling the music coming through you helps to set intention. Feeling the vibrations on your teeth, in your throat, in your ears, all through your bones! It helps to quickly raise up your energy, and lift yourself up out of low emotions or a state of stress. When I am singing, I am aware of the lyrics in the music. Be sure to pick music that is full of happy love or great energy just for energy's sake! 3. LAUGH. I know, that sounds easier said than done sometimes. My cure for it is to get together with people who never fail to make me laugh, and who I feel comfortable with, or I'll watch a comedy movie (or listen to a comedy album - Thanks, Steve Martin!) I find the trick with allowing any or all of these things help you raise your vibration, is don't let them have to mean anything. Take a 5 or 15 minute break for yourself to just let go, let loose, with the music or the movement or the laughter. If you go into this exercise thinking "I must conquer this task" or with any sort of agenda or stress, you won't be able to trick your body or energy into lightening up! Watch the video for more information on these three tricks to help you manifest all that the 'vortex' has in store for you! (Thanks, Abraham-Hicks!) L. This client was generous enough to volunteer her read reading for me to record, so I could show you all what a reading looks like with me. She offered it as she sat in my office for her scheduled appointment, so all of this is her actual live read. No script! This was also the first time I had watched MYSELF give a psychic tarot reading! I was honestly surprised with how much I move my hands. When I'm in the depth of the reading, I see things and I'm moving things around with my hands. Swirling energy or pushing energy aside, sometimes I'm seeing the path and I make my hands walk them, etc. What I really wanted you to notice was the process - how I ask no questions, but just talked her through her challenge. SHE knows exactly what her challenges are, but I don't have to. All I'm supposed to do is deliver the words that she needs to hear. It's hard to see on the video, but at times I'm closing my eyes, and mostly I'm not even making eye contact with the client, as I'm looking off to her left and right, while I see the messages delivered. This is recorded in my small office in Midland Ontario, which is near Barrie Ontario, but if you live long distance from there, you can do a phone reading with me! I was in the tub, when a BIG THOUGHT occurred to me. WHAT IF our life purpose was something that just sort of happened in the natural flow of being a good human being? It wasn't something we had to search for, or work hard at. What if it were something that just sort of happened while we were in the natural flow of living our lives everyday.
I thought about running threads through my life. How different people have touched my life, and also about the lives I have touched in just being me, in the right place at the right time. And then I thought, WHAT IF, in those moments that felt small to me, I had actually 'completed' my big life purpose. And all the rest is gravy. All the rest is just to have fun and celebrate all the world has to offer. Even if that is as simple as a nice hot bath, or the sun on your face, or the best Ruben Sandwich you've ever eaten. What if it were really this simple? Doesn't that idea just free you up completely? It certainly takes the pressure off to perform, to struggle, to over think everything. (I am totally guilty of that.) I'd love to hear your thoughts on the idea. It's nearly New Years Eve as I sit and write. We're in the funny spot, the week between Christmas and New Years, where I have a challenging time remembering what day it is and where I'm supposed to be... more so than usual.
I've been watching a LOT of the show Outlander, which feels like a holiday indulgence... sitting and watching Netflix, with no spellwork embroidery in my hands. It's making me think a lot about time travel, and magic, my herb work that I've put aside for family festivities. It's got me thinking about the year to come. This is the time of year that I get a lot of reading requests for what's coming up in the new year. 2018 feels like it's going to be special, that it's made for personal victories for the individual, if you are ready to be patient with yourself through the healings that will be presented. Those healings will look different for everyone, and will be tailored to put you just beyond your comfort zone. But, just passed that fine line awaits some beautiful reward. That's what 2018 is feeling like, for me. That's the messages I get from The Dudes. (My spirit guides. They picked me. They know me. haha.) Another thing that I'm finding I'm doing quite a bit lately is attracting more and more people who are just starting with their own gifts, but don't know what the next step is. Those conversations have been very individual, too. No two witches, or druids, or seers, or readers are alike. I sit and get the messages for the individual with how to proceed with their own growth with their gifts. The beauty of January and February, for me, is that the air is somehow quieter, the energy is more still. It makes it easier to get crisp and clear messages . There's something more relaxed for me, with readings, at this time of year. I nestle in. There's no long distance drives to Barrie or Orillia for home party tarot readings, less call for bachelorette or home party readings. This leaves me cozy in my office for individual readings. As always, you can book a personal "what's coming up this year" style reading with me in my office, in Midland Ontario, but we can always do a phone reading, too, if you live long distance from me. However, if you are also someone who feels like you've got a gift and you don't know how to use it, it would be my pleasure to help guide you through the next steps in your growth. Learning to read cards, learning to perform Reiki, learning to connect with your own spirit guides are all things I can help with! Happy New Year! Lori-Grace |
Lori Grace is a professional Psychic Tarot Reader who serves her clients with 29+ years of experience, based on Georgian Bay in Midland Ontario. The Little Witch Newsletter goes out once a month - One Subscriber will win a FREE One Question Email each newsletter!
November 2024
Georgian Bay Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
522 Elizabeth Street BOX 9
Midland Ontario L4R2A1 Website by Petroff Sites