Looking for a phone number for Lori-Grace, The Little Witch? There's a reason I don't have a phone number as a contact for booking appointments!
All of my clients either come from Google searches, referrals, or in person events. When someone who wants a reading finds me on Google, it generally means they have the means to connect with me online, through email. This also means they can access my appointment calendar to see when I'm available and book the appointment themselves. If someone looking for a psychic reading meets me at an event in the local area of Midland, we can often set the date in person right away, allowing me to give them the info on how to prepare for their reading and how to find my office. For those who are looking to inquire about booking a party, using the form on my website is still the best way to do that. When I connect with someone through email, it allows me to be ready - date book out with the available times. If someone calls me and I pick it up in the middle of dinner prep, I'm bound to over book myself! I do have a number available for those who want readings over the phone, locally or long distance. But that number is only active if I'm logged on to take calls - it doesn't take messages or allow you to book in person readings, or cancel an appointment. It is unconventional for a business to NOT have a phone number available for connecting, but because of the nature of my business, and my world wide reach with advertising, a number that was available all the time would be ringing constantly! I really prefer to allot certain times of days and certain days of the week for working, instead of having a phone ringing at all hours of the night, often times with questions people want answered ASAP. You can always connect with me through the form on the main page of my website Or through email, or Click to book your own in person reading in Midland Ontario. If you were looking for an in person, over the phone reading, we can arrange that through Keen! I volunteered to read tarot cards for a ladies night with the Midland Ontario Rotary. All the proceeds go to the Rotary, from the readings that were done. My table was in the Art Gallery at the Midland Cultural Centre, with a number of other Vendors. I got to choose where my table would be set up. When I saw Tiny Gems vendor table, I knew I had to be near them! They've got good vibes. I volunteer with this Ladies Night event every year, and in past years I've read up to 15 people in the evening, small 10 or 15 readings. We've now evolved into doing 30 minute readings for fewer clients, which is amazing. I truly prefer to spend more time with the clients one on one. The day after the Rotary night at the MCC, I did the first sit in Guest Tarot Reader spot at Wand N Cauldron in Midland. I was so excited! And, the readings were so good! The space is so comfortable, and the store always feels so good to be in. Also, it just happened that Melissa ("This Witch") had just got a shipment of the BEST incense in, and hung out in the store. In Wand and Cauldron's little reading room, the readings came easy! She's got a beautiful cozy tarot reader nook behind some curtains, with a little round table set up, that she had specially made for the space, and a special Gypsy Den looking light that hangs from a chain. Her shop is close enough to downtown in Midland, that the shop stayed just busy enough all day. It was perfect for the meet and greet with people I've never met before! So, the end of the story in the video really is, I"m no longer a waitress. It's time to focus on my tarot life. Everything is pointing towards it. |
Lori Grace is a professional Psychic Tarot Reader who serves her clients with 29+ years of experience, based on Georgian Bay in Midland Ontario. The Little Witch Newsletter goes out once a month - One Subscriber will win a FREE One Question Email each newsletter!
June 2024
Georgian Bay Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
522 Elizabeth Street BOX 9
Midland Ontario L4R2A1 Website by Petroff Sites