I feel like I've been hibernating over the winter holiday. Here it is, January 2, and there's a new fire lit under me.
Interesting what tapping into the energies around us can do. I personally don't get excited for "new year", although I do get excited for new schedulers, date books, and calendars. The New Year isn't on my list of celebrations. No incense gets lit for new years eve or day. But, because so many others are filled with celebrations and optimism, I like to tap into THAT energy, and add it to what I've got going on. Today, I had a Zoom Tarot Party. The bookings are starting to come in, and I've tapped into the New Year Energy and excitement to kick my butt out of hibernation mode and into "be a strong and present tarot reader" mode. Ive got my new Monthly planner calendar with all the things I'll share through the month. My new coil book scheduler, which helps me stay on track not only with business, but with all the other tasks and hobbies I have. And, I have SO MANY STICKERS - haaaaa. I do love stickers. The Coldwater Witches Walk is fast approaching, do you have your black hat ready?
I was asked by a friend, if I would be attending the Coldwater Witches walk this year. Last year, I attended, with a set up in the Coldwater Museum. I was there to help a friend who is also a reader, with doing tarot readings. This year, the event happens on October 16, 2019. Last year, with some weird weather, we lost power all through Coldwater, and so I only got to do a few readings before it got dark and even more confusing! But still, I think so many ladies had a great night. As a vendor with the Witches Walk, we have to set up a tent, and figure out how to light it all up so that all through the eve, all the witches can see inside the tent. I'm not crazy about the idea of sitting outside in the brrrrr cold! So, this year if I go, I'll be seeing if I can sit inside of one of the shops and be helpful, in exchange for being able to hand out business cards and let people know about my readings in Orillia and Midland. (I have offices in both cities.) I remember being SO cold last year, so be sure to dress in real witchy layers! thick stockings and shawls and mittens and long socks! Halloween costumes will probably not cut it! If you are looking for a reading before heading out to the festivities, connect with Lori-Grace, The Little Witch, to make your Witchy night complete! Did you see The Little Witch walking around the Midland Ontario Butter Tart Festival? She was wearing a tall black hat, and carrying a black lacy parasol. That was me!
I was giving away little gifts to people downtown at the Butter Tart Festival on Saturday. They were post cards with a ballot for a free draw that Wand n Cauldron was doing for the day. Attached to the little post cards that had directions on the for getting to the shop on Manly Street was a little key chain with a semi precious stone attached, that Melissa from Wand n Cauldron had made herself. The Festival itself felt much more organized this year. There were still a tonne of people there, but it seemed like the layout used this year left more room to move and get around. It was also great to see all of the local stores having tables and tents out to promote their stores too! (unfortunately my office is just off the beaten track, and was hiding behind a bunch of sod they had laid out on Elizabeth Street for a golfing game that looked like it was for kids. My office is a few buildings behind the Midland Public Library, and there was also a bunch of porta potty's down that strip too, so there really was no point sitting in my office at all. ) Although the most popular tart vendors sold out around noon, there were still lots of butter tarts available to be had. I bought mine at Grounded Coffee Co a little later in the day (sometime after having my lunch on the grass at Midland waterfront. ) Strolling up and down King Street on Saturday was pleasant. I had no where else I had to be and no time frame to adhere to. I got to have a bunch of conversations with strangers and friends on the day of the festival. (Mostly about the tag on my witch hat, and my parasol!) It was so much fun to help out a friend promote her new business. Funnily enough, I didn't hand out any of my own business cards. Between dragging the cart around that had my water bottle, purse, camera and puppets in, it just seemed too complicated to get any thing else done other than hand out the little flyers. (yes, I am also a puppeteer. I make videos and post them on youtube with my puppets, although it was difficult at the Butter Tart Festival to pull them out and get any decent footage...) Did you see me on that day, and take any photos with me? It was such a crazy day that I didn't even get any info from anyone that had a photo taken with me, but I'd love to see them! Connect with me and I can even post them here if you are willing to share! I'm already excited for next year. Lori-Grace. Wand n Cauldron is an authentic shop for witches. The Little Witch specializes in Tarot Readings in the Midland Ontario office space, and on the phone for long distance clients. |
Lori Grace is a professional Psychic Tarot Reader who serves her clients with 29+ years of experience, based on Georgian Bay in Midland Ontario. The Little Witch Newsletter goes out once a month - One Subscriber will win a FREE One Question Email each newsletter!
November 2024
Georgian Bay Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
522 Elizabeth Street BOX 9
Midland Ontario L4R2A1 Website by Petroff Sites