When I said this, I was surrounded by laughter and jokes, but later realized just how accurate this was for me. I've been asked to teach Oracle cards several times, by people who come to me through my learn to read tarot intuitively programs.
It leads me to have to explain that Tarot and Oracle, although they look like similar systems. (They are on cards, they have pictures, you can put them in spreads.) to my mind, they are completely different systems. It doesn't make one better than the other, they are just different. They seem as different to me as the choice between getting your tea leaves read, and pulling out a pendulum to ask some questions. I love the tarot system, and I love to teach it, especially for beginners. There is a rational order to it, even within all of the stuff within it that dances with intuition. The ordered system helps create the 'rules' to practice over and over again, and once you've mastered the simple guideline tarot rules, it allows you to go on autopilot. (Think about when you learned to drive a car. At first, you are all nerves and trying to remember the rules. Skip ahead years and years later, you aren't thinking about the rules anymore, you're able to drive on autopilot.. with the radio on and a smile on your face.) Because of how I learned to read cards (and then on autopilot, learned how to tune into the Source or Universe or Spirit Guide messages) Teaching someone how to read Oracle FIRST, makes ZERO sense to me. Oracle, to me, is ALL intuition. (I'm not a fan of memorization of cards, and I find to read Oracle without intuition, means to memorize odd numbers of cards....not what I teach, not what I do.) So, it feels like a valid question for me, in my life as a professional tarot reader. Are you a Tarot Reader or an oracle reader? It does sort of translate for me as "are you a cat person or a dog person." At this point, after over 26 years of reading tarot, and knowing how to tap into the tarot system intuitively, I CAN read oracle cards. I find it so much easier to teach oracle, after a student already has an understanding about how to tap into their intuition. If you are ready to learn how to read intuitively, let's connect and find what the best type of deck would be for you, based on your own goals and vision! Comments are closed.
Lori Grace is a professional Psychic Tarot Reader who serves her clients with 29+ years of experience, based on Georgian Bay in Midland Ontario. The Little Witch Newsletter goes out once a month - One Subscriber will win a FREE One Question Email each newsletter!
November 2024
Georgian Bay Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
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