Well, gang, I think it's finally time. I'm 6 months into 50, and I think I'm beginning the transition to "Crone." We had spent the summer months moving and very stressed over it. That in itself created a change in my sleep patterns and my thought patterns. I really wasn't feeling like myself, but reasoned that having to move after being in that house for 20 years was BOUND to cause some dissonance in the song of my life. My natural cycle remained the same in terms of timing, (For 22 years, it's been very predictable and consistent.) but there was a slight change at the beginning of September that repeated itself at the beginning of October. I also had Covid at the beginning of October that coincided, but honestly, I was feeling like a person in denial. During my week off with Covid, I took the time to have my OWN reading with a woman whose wisdom I respect very much. She was already started with her metaphysical journey before I was born! She spoke about the transition into Crone, and it made some things make sense for me. So, I've wrapped my head around embracing this moment. It really is a "Death" tarot card moment, where I spent those months feeling like a cocoon of liquid, when I look back on it. To live through the transition of the Death card through the perimenopause experience is a privilege. This is a Witchy and womanly right of passage, after all. I have been studying for my "Practical Herbalist" diploma for a year and a half, and I'm armed with a LOT of information on how to gracefully ease through the transition from Mother to Crone. Yes, it will take a bit of time to create new habits - Changing diet slightly, where and when to add the new herb helpers, finding a new rhythm with my yoga and weight lifting practice (because I want to be a healthy Crone. hehe.) But there's time and space for it now, and the realization that THAT'S what this extra time NOT being a full-time mother is FOR. My great grandmother (who came through in my own reading SO loudly,) was a woman who presented gracefully in her habit and presentation, and I'm feeling drawn to her as an archetype to look forward to becoming with a certain eagerness, instead of trepidation. There is SO much magick in this time, for me. This is how I'm now choosing to experience perimenopause. The dreams are vivid, the meditations are deep and profound, and now that I'm focused on what's happening to me and for me, the manifestations are powerful. The other things that are lining up along side of this are now feeling obviously on-time - The move into a new place, having to do the witchy work of bonding with a new environment outside and setting up a new circle to practice in, setting up a new Witchy room, the new witchy kitchen with room for herbal apothecary work... That it's OCTOBER and spooky season, and all the psychic messages come so loudly to me at this time. It feels very much like a graduation of sorts for me. Huzzah! You've successfully finished the High School "Mother" part of your schooling! Crone time is like College! (As I type this, I'm realizing that so many of my dreams in the last 2 weeks have featured me being in high school again, or having to take exams, and wondering what I'll do when school is over! Huh. Can't wait to write THAT "Aha" into my Book of Shadows later....) I suppose then, I'm a Young Crone, or a Junior Crone. This feels like a time to review and organize my wisdom, and even experience what is new within it for me. The last few weeks have ABSOLUTELY been filled with Aha and Eureka moments. Dear Universe: I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience this transition, from this vantage point. I am so grateful for the herbal medicines that are helping me pay attention to my body and care for my body and mind during this time. I am eager to share the wisdom and knowings that come of this. |
Lori Grace is a professional Psychic Tarot Reader who serves her clients with 29+ years of experience, based on Georgian Bay in Midland Ontario. The Little Witch Newsletter goes out once a month - One Subscriber will win a FREE One Question Email each newsletter!
November 2024
Georgian Bay Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader
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