What is the connection between Dan Valkos, ranked number 2 psychic in Canada, and Lori-Grace, The Little Witch, a Psychic Medium from Canada?
Several years ago, I met a woman at an event. She helped me set up my banner, getting ready to do a day of tarot readings for folks who wandered through the marketplace. We chatted and laughed and I thanked her for her help.
Fast forward some years later, and this same woman connects with me. She, and another woman she knows, hired me to read for them over Zoom. After the readings, they connect again and say that they would like me to come on board to do some readings for their college, where they work.
After some time of doing this for them, they tell me about Dan Valkos. He was the psychic that used to read for them, all the students loved him. And then they hit me with a bit of woo-woo themselves:
They told me they felt like Dan sent me to them. Dan wanted them to find me and work with me. Dan had passed away about a year before they had initially hired me.
At this point, I didn't know who Dan was. But, I began to feel him around me. He presented in a very specific way, and I just accepted that to be true. At this point, I didn't look anything up about him. I thought it might be important later to be able to allow what ever was going to flow through me and and for me, from him, to do so as blindly as possible.
I've been doing spirit guided readings for the school at this point for a few years. Last week, a friend reconnected with me. We used to chum around about 25 years ago, when I was on my first steps with tarot and psychic business. She has lived all over Ontario. She was so excited to see I had built a successful business around my tarot and psychic skills.
After I did a quick reading for her, we played catch up. During the convo, she mentions a psychic Dan who used to read on the radio station, and she met a few times and thought very highly of him. She said it would be interesting for me to follow in his footsteps.
I had to confirm... "Was he the fellah that worked in colleges?" and we both excitedly put together that it was the same psychic we were talking about.
I mentioned to her that I had never seen a photo, or looked him up, but I described the image I had of him in my head.
She laughed very hard, and helped me piece together why I was seeing him that way, and that very few people would have known that detail. She also felt that perhaps this conversation about Dan was the reason she was compelled to search me up and find me, to connect with me at this point in our lives.
It was the second blip, a louder blip for me "Now that this pandemic is just about over, and we can travel again, we SHOULD."
I've started to feel him hanging around. He pushed me to write this page, (for reasons I'm still unsure of.) and in a strange twist, I been feeling this extra boost of knowing around me since all of these dots have been connecting.
I honestly am not sure how this is going to play out. I am finally in my life and business where I CAN travel to do readings and psychic events for folks. I'm at a place, after 27 years of this, where I feel confident speaking on several metaphysical and paranormal topics. So let's see how this unfolds.
Dan Valkos was a resident of Dresden Ontario, and passed away on Friday, May 24, 2019 at the age of 67.
He was ranked the number 2 psychic in Canada and 51st in the world. Dan also taught at a number of colleges and did lectures at many others.
Dan had been involved in the paranormal since 1969. He was the former Director of the Paranormal Enlightenment Centre out of the Detroit area and was also the Chief investigator for the Association of Psychic Investigators. He also did a lot of Regressive Hypnosis work for The Centre for UFO studies.
He was ranked the number 2 Psychic in Canada and 51st in the world.
He taught at over 25 colleges across Canada and the U. S. and had performed at over 1,800 colleges since 1989.
He had been on over 750 radio shows in North America and Rob McConnell, the host of the X-zones radio network, gave him the title of, "Canada's Psychotic Psychic." ( In November of 2015, Rob McConnell upgraded his title to: "The Worlds Psychotic Psychic!")
He was also given the title of "Canada's Cutest Male Psychic!" (He said on that: I was a lot younger then.)
Dan has had 2 books published by Inner Flame Publishers and had his last book; "THE PSYCHIC WORLD AND HOW YOU CAN BE A PART OF IT." come out on-line in the Kindle books.
He was also the resident psychic for two different Humane societies and did a lot of readings on people's pets at various Pet Value stores in Southwest Ontario.
All proceeds from his pet readings were donated to the local O.S.P.C.A.'s
In the classes Dan taught, he gave the students 2 simple and easy affirmations. Many people have asked for them so here they are below.
The first one came from the Unity church and it is: The Light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The Power of God protects and heals us. The Presence of God watches over us. God's infinite bankroll finances us. For wherever we are, God is. Now, if you wish, you can substitute a specific person for us such as, The light of God surrounds my kids or my mate or if you are truly an evolving soul, use " those people who do not like me."
The second affirmation involves prosperity. It is also very simple. Wealth, abundance and prosperity flows to me. Wealth, abundance and prosperity is due me. Wealth, abundance and prosperity is mine.
Psychic Development
Dan also taught classes on psychic development, using videos and email. If you find yourself drawn to any of these topics, connect with me about the one on one classes and video classes I offer through http://schoolofwitchery.ca
CLASS # 1 E.S.P- This first class gives you the basics on the Psychic World and gives you exercises and games to strengthen your own natural abilities. It also gives you the techniques to shield you from negative energy.
CLASS # 2 MEDITATION- This class explains how meditation works and the many advatanges to Meditation. It also includes Dan's commercially produced Meditation CD titled," Meditation, An Easy Way." Class # 3 DREAMS AND THE DREAM WORLD- This class explores the Dream World and helps you understand what your dreams are telling you. It details the different types of dreams and gives you some general dream meanings. Class # 4 ASTRAL PROJECTION- This class explains what Astral Projection is and how to achieve an out-of-body experience.
Class # 5 AURA'S AND THE MEANINGS OF THE COLOURS IN AN AURA- The title explains the class. Class # 6 PSYCHOMETRY AND THE USE OF CRYSTALS- This class gives you the basics in doing readings on another person as well as the different types of readings. It also includes a brief dictionary on paranormal terms. Class # 7 GHOSTS AND HAUNTED HOUSES- This class explains the different types of ghostly manifestations there may be as well as why someone may actuall haunt a place. It also includes some of my personal haunted house investigations. Class # 8 Reincarnation and Past-lives- This class explains my beliefs and thoughts on the concept of Reincarnation and prior lifetimes. It also includes stories of many of the people I have regressed to their prior lives and my own personal past-life memories. Class # 9 KARMA- This class is the heaviest one. It explores exactly what Karma is and why you may be the way you are as well as why bad things can happen to good people.It may give you some answers. Class # 10 MYTHS, SUPERSTITIONS AND OTHER STUFF- This class is where I threw all the other stuff I know about and lumped into one class.
You work at your own pace and no one fails the course.